Tuesday 15 May 2012

You do not have to be the pro - tips for good photography

When I do a wedding I have absolutely no objection to other people following me around to take pictures. The wedding photographer has the privileged position of being able to stand at the best place and angle most of the time, registrars and priests permitting. Obviously if people get in the way I have to be assertive, but this very rarely happens and a pause, an excuse me, a smile and raised eye brow generally is enough!

However, much can be learned by watching the official photographer not necessarily in terms of equipment, but how they set the subject and themselves. Also you have an advantage of getting that slightly relaxed moment just after the official picture was taken.

So don't be afraid of shadowing the professional, they too were once gifted amateurs and had to learn from someone else. Know of course when your presence is intrusive as sometimes the moments a couple spend with the photographer can be quite private and intimate, adding to the sometimes too brief amount of time the newlyweds have to be more alone on their busy wedding day.

These three images were taken at Tamworth Castle where Oona was playing and I was helping her. The couple were pleased to get the extra pictures I took. I kept a 'professional' distance from the actual hired photographer just to avoid all possible issues!

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